An engraving from the 1852 edition of Henry Howes Historical Collections of Virginiadepicts the Gosport Navy Yard at Portsmouth in the mid-nineteenth century. Howe described Gosport as a section of the U.S. Navy Yard where the general government has built a large and costly dry dock, of the best materials and workmanship, capable of admitting the largest ships. The construction of vessels at the navy-yard, at times employs as many as 1,400 men; and it is this source that proves one of the principal means of the support of the town. Citation: Historical Collections of Virginia: Containing a Collection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c., Relating to its History and Antiquities, Together with Geographical and Statistical Descriptions… F226 .H84 1845. Special Collections, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA