A photograph by David H. Anderson shows the twelve jurors impaneled by the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Virginia in 1867 as part of former Confederate president Jefferson Daviss treason trial. The jury of seven black and five white men was the first integrated trial jury in Virginia history. However, the trial never went forward. Davis was released on bail on May 13, 1867, and the charges against him were dropped in 1868. Standing from left to right are Albert Royal Brooks, L. Tabb, J. B. Willis, Thomas Lucas, John Newton Van Lew, and Dr. W. Scot. Seated from left to right are B. Wardwell, A. Lilly, J. E. Frazier, Lewis Lindsey, J. Morrisey, and J. Turner. DO NOT USE THIS IMAGE --- caption not verified; use other 2 Valentine photos of petit jury pool