Bootcamp can be funny. Comedy Bootcamp at the William & Mary Center for Veterans Engagement is a stand-up comedy class exclusively for veterans and servicemen, and it serves as an outlet for veterans with PTSD, TBI, and combat-related injuries. For U.S. military veterans, the benefits claims process can be daunting. The Lewis B. Puller Jr. Veterans Benefits Clinic at the William & Mary Law School is making that process faster and has been touted as a model for the solution to the nation's backlog of claims. Before the Korean War, the bodies of American soldiers killed in conflicts abroad were buried in overseas cemeteries. But the nature of the conflict in Korea changed that. One historian says the Korean War brought about other changes, too, including the development of forensic anthropology. With its rolling green hills and its nearly 400,000 graves, Arlington National Cemetery is one of our nation's most impressive military tributes. Also impressive is the work that goes on behind the scenes to create a meaningful experience for visitors. One English professor and her students spent a month observing the inner workings of Arlington as part of the Field School for Cultural Documentation. There are countless books on gardening and tree care. This arborist says some of the advice does more harm than good. From international competitions like the Van Cliburn to battles of high school marching bands, competition in music has become a way of life for aspiring musicians. A music profesor says too much of it can stifle a young musician's growth.