Blue zones are areas of the world that have been identified as having the longest expected lifespans. Reuben Rainey and Asa Eslocker (University of Virginia) explain the factors that create these “landscapes of longevity.” Plus: Today, most computers have more than one tiny silicon brain that makes them tick—this is called parallel computing. And yet, kids are still learning to program for only one “brain.” Wu-chun Feng (Virginia Tech) is working on an interface that makes parallel computing much less intimidating. He is also accelerating cancer research using Microsoft Cloud. Later in the show: Sometimes all it takes to get kids excited about science is a bag full of eyeballs. Robert Tai (University of Virginia) has spent years studying when and why kids fall in love with science. Henry Alan Rowe (Norfolk State University) uses fire and static electricity to draw students into chemistry. Plus: Science class matters even for kids who grow up to be writers or bankers. Tina Grotzer explains how science can help kids understand the causes of what’s going on around them. And: Students who don’t love science class, might find their way via…math? Eric Pyle (James Madison University) says combining math class with earth sciences can make both subjects better.